
a walk to the pond

Kaden and Papa have a tradition of visiting the nearby pond and feeding the fish. It usually happens sometime after dinner, when Kaden will ask Papa if they can go. Papa says yes. Kaden says “yes!” Papa tells Kaden to ask Mimi if she has any bread. Kaden runs into the kitchen and asks. Runs back out. “Papa! Mimi says she has bread!” Sometimes they bike, sometimes they walk. Last time a few of us tagged along with them.

DSC_0423 DSC_0429DSC_0432DSC_0437 Grandma Teff is here ๐Ÿ™‚DSC_0481Alia tried out the umbrella stroller for the first time. Like most experiences, she was pretty chill about it. Just relaxed, happy, along for the ride.DSC_0488D brought the scooter. On the way home Kaden wondered if he could ride it. D said he didn’t know, but they figured it out ๐Ÿ™‚DSC_0507 DSC_0512katelyn signature

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